Monday, February 5, 2007

Long Way Round - Ewan McGregor & Charlie Boorman

Long Way Round - Ewan McGregor & Charlie Boorman

This is the story of an epic around the world adventure. You may have seen the television show by the same name that video chronicles Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman's trip around the globe. Leaving from the UK, the story follows them through Europe, across Northern Asia to Siberia, then across to Alaska and down to New York. Both have insightful dialogue as they conquer the many challenges they face along the way. Being movie stars, it is also refreshing that these two aren't prima donna's in any way... overall a good read. They will follow this journey up next year with a trip called "The Long Way Down" where they intend to ride from Scotland to South Africa. Stay tuned... (4/5 on the Marcus scale).
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