Monday, February 5, 2007

Long Way Round - Ewan McGregor & Charlie Boorman

Long Way Round - Ewan McGregor & Charlie Boorman

This is the story of an epic around the world adventure. You may have seen the television show by the same name that video chronicles Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman's trip around the globe. Leaving from the UK, the story follows them through Europe, across Northern Asia to Siberia, then across to Alaska and down to New York. Both have insightful dialogue as they conquer the many challenges they face along the way. Being movie stars, it is also refreshing that these two aren't prima donna's in any way... overall a good read. They will follow this journey up next year with a trip called "The Long Way Down" where they intend to ride from Scotland to South Africa. Stay tuned... (4/5 on the Marcus scale).

Friday, January 5, 2007

Review: Proficient Motorcycling - By David Hough

Proficient Motorcycling - By David Hough

This is a must read for every rider who has an interest in riding safe and enjoying the sport for years to come. David Hough brings lots of real world experience and was even credited with assisting in the development of the MSF training programs and Experienced Rider Courses in the US. If you have taken the Canadian equivalent "Gearing Up" or ERC programs, some of the content in this book will be familiar to you. The book is thick and probably contains more info than any other riding book that I've seen or read. There is alot of content on road hazards, defensive riding, mental tips (like don't go mental on the road), maintenance, long distance, riding two up and even sidecars to name a few of the topics. And absolutely no advice on riding fast or how to take chances, Bill is straight and serious. This is a compilation of 30 or so years of writing a column entitled, you guessed it, "Proficient Motorcycling" in Motorcycle Consumer News magazine (which strangely, I hadn't heard of before). Highly recommended and I'll soon add a copy to my permanent collection for a second read next winter. This copy is available at the Ottawa Public Library for local readers (5/5 on the Marcus scale).
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